Last Updated : August 5, 2017

This article is a continuation of the previous tutorial on ATmega’s internal temperature sensor. To keep the calibration permanent, I’m going to make a small header file and store the calibration data in the EEPROM. That will make the sensor’s functionality easily accesible in any program uploaded on the chip.


EEPROMs stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.
These are cool little memory devices that can store values permanently and thus serve as a mini-hard drives. EEPROMs are bit erasable, which means that specific bits in the memory can be re-written (unlike erasing complete sectors in Flash devices), but only for a limited (approximately a lakh) number of times. Reading from a location is a much faster process than writing to it.
They can be used to store various settings or load stored configurations and eventually prove to be very useful.
The ATmega328(P) has a 1KB EEPROM, which is a fairly decent memory size for hobbyistic projects.

The Arduino core provides a stock library, EEPROM.h, which abstracts handling all the intricacies by employing easy-to-use functions.
The library has a predefined instance named EEPROM, and we can operate on it directly. But if the need of using another EEPROM arises, another instance can be created using EEPROMClass EEPROM2;

Manipulating values in EEPROM


Three functions,

void write( int idx, uint8_t val )
void update( int idx, uint8_t val )

&put( int idx, const T &t )

can be used to store values.
The difference between these functions is that EEPROM.write(address, value); writes only 1 byte at a time (at the specified address), and EEPROM.put(address, struct/union) writes the entire data packet that is passed to the function.


Similar functions for reading from the memory are also available.

&get( int idx, T &t )

uint8_t read( int idx )

A Small Example

Let’s store a number at byte-location ‘0’ and then retrieve it simply using write and read.
If uploaded, every reset of the ATmega must result in an increment in the brightness of the LED connected on pin 11.

#include <EEPROM.h>

int i = 1;

void setup()
  //check whether data is already present
    //store the value in a variable
    i =;
    Serial.print("Reading Value...");

    //increment by one
    i += 1;

    //store the changed value
    //next read should give incremented value
    //write something if no value is present
    Serial.print("Writing Value...");

void loop(){}

There is no need of necessarily restricting the re-writes, because even with 50 re-writes a day, it will take 5.4 years to make one byte-location useless.
And it was just one address we were writing to. There are 1023 more!

Custom structures can be effortlessly dealt with using the get and put functions:

typedef struct Data
  uint8_t var1;
  uint16_t var2;
  float var3;

void setup()

  //check whether data is already present
    //store the value in a variable
    EEPROM.get(0, data);

    //change values
    data.var1 += 1;
    data.var2 += 1;
    data.var3 += 1;

    //store the changed value
    //next read should give changed values
    EEPROM.put(address, data);
    //initialise structure
    data.var1 = 141;
    data.var2 = 1414;
    data.var3 = 1.414;

void loop(){}

The Custom Header File

The calibration values I had received were:

$$k = 0.9843357$$$$E_{OS} = 2$$

Let’s store these values.

#include <EEPROM.h>

float k = 0.9843357;
uint8_t errOS= 2;

void setup()
  //float takes 4 bytes and the uint8_t takes 1 byte
  EEPROM.write(1020, k);
  EEPROM.write(1019, errOS);

  //writing these values at the end gives
  //freedom to use the 0 locations in case
  //one forgets about the stored data.

The following is the header file for using the temperature sensor. I named it “tempSensor.h” and saved it in the libraries folder.

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>

uint8_t k = 1.0615, errOS = 0;

errOS =;
k =;

float readTemp()
  ADMUX = _BV(REFS1) | _BV(REFS0);
  ADMUX |= _BV(MUX3);
  while (bit_is_set(ADCSRA,ADSC));

  uint8_t low  = ADCL;  
  uint8_t high = ADCH;
  int reading = ((high << 8) | low);
  float result = (((reading) - 314 - errOS)/k + 25);

  return result;

And it’s done!
To get a reading, simply include the header file and call readTemp().

Sample Code

#include <tempSensor.h>

void setup()
  DDRB = _BV(5);

void loop()
  // light up an LED whenever temperature
  // is more than 30 degrees Celcius
  if(readTemp() > 30)
    PORTB |= 0b0010000;
    PORTB |= 0b0000000;


Isn’t it fun to make and do simple stuff that adds to your comfort zone?
I feel that the biggest characteristic of being a maker is that every thing one learns is always under constant scrutiny to be pulled into a relevant opportunity. Maybe this is why the guys who invented Arduino were able to make it what it is today. Arduino easily touches a lot of comfort zones, and its open-source community has grown wildly in the last few years.